Friday, August 24, 2012

Big Sur

We finally relaxed at Big Sur.  It was a great trip and I certainly had fun with my new friends; my mean Master never does anything fun with me anymore. 

Bishop's Peak

Since I enjoy climbing so much, I convinced my new friends to climb Bishop's Peak in San Luis Obispo


We went to Vegas where I found a new hat and partied with Prince Harry, though I did not play billiards.

Lost Hat

I then went to Cali and climbed Mount Langley (14,042'), I could barely breath and proceeded to lose my hat.
After Baltimore, we then went to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia to go hiking and see some waterfalls.

Baltimore's Sailibration

I managed to escape again and got to spend some time with my new friend to visit Fort McHenry for the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812 and the writing of the “Star Spangled Banner” I then saw some tall ships at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor for Sailibration

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yikes - Recaptured

Say it is not so, I hid myself really well while visiting my actual friends on the East coast; then, the Imperialist found me. :(

Curses, someone help; please save me.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Georgia and South Carolina Trip

Hi everyone, I recently completed my latest trip to Georgia & South Carolina. It was a great trip but I was a little concerned at first when I saw who my travel companions were. The last time I traveled with them I spent the entire trip in the glove compartment of their car.

My trip started with a flight delay at DFW airport. So I killed some time riding the Skylink train around the airport terminals.

While in Georgia I headed to downtown Atlanta

and paid a visit to the Georgia Aquarium.

I can’t believe I was THAT close to a shark!!! And now for the very first blog video. You can’t really appreciate the sea creatures unless you can see them swimming. (I'm not sure the video is going to work)

After a few days with my travel companions’ family in GA we headed to the beach in Hilton Head, SC. After building this LegoMan sized resort out of sand inside the Marriot Resort Hotel I headed to the beach for some fun in the sand and the ocean.

Where did everybody go? From my point of view that wave looks like a tsunami.

Okay, the wave wasn’t that big. I’m just glad those are bubbles and not jelly fish.

After the aquarium and the beach I was really craving some seafood so I enjoyed some low country boil in Savannah, GA. Crab, gooood. Shrimp, gooood. Corn on the cob, gooood. Potatoes, gooood. I wonder if the crab and shrimp were related to anything I saw at the aquarium. No more pictures. I was too bloated after that meal.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I think I may have had too much...

My hosts took me to this little brewery over in Grand Lake Village. I ordered the sampler platter thinking it'd be great to have a little of everything.

Now I'm not so sure...

Monday, August 9, 2010

I've been to Pikes Peak!

I rode the cog wheel train all the way to the top of Pikes Peak! It was 41 degrees up there with a wind chill of 38 degrees. The lack of oxygen up there sure made me light-headed but the donuts and coffee sure were good. Unfortunately, it was very cloudy so I couldn't see very far. So far this trip to Colorado has been great!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What a view!

This is a great hike to the Siamese Twins. You can see Pikes Peak from here too.


Where have I been taken now?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wow - Found a Girl Friend with my new Travel-mates

Here, my new girlfriend, Princess Leia Lego Gal, and I enjoy a nice night cap on our first date.  What fun, I'll post more when I return.

Safely Returned

Turns out, I wasn't kidnapped at all; I was just shipped via this black sarcophagus like thing and got scared; plus the fact that all the bloggers got hold of the story and balloon-boy embellished it to get more hits.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


We have not seen LegoMan since May 5th!  We have been asked for ransom from the captor pictured below.  The public outcry has been incredible.  Please keep LM in your prayers for a safe return. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pax River Trip

I just went on a great trip to Pax to try to find my olde Master and let him see how well I am doing; the first thing I needed after my crappy, coach-class flight was to get a good, stiff Margarita at Monterey's.

My Master was looking very sporting with his new 'stache circa U.S. 1978.
Here he is for his role in the Importance of Being Ernest, very Tom Selleck-ish.

In my Mystery Science Fiction Theatre 3000 front-seat, I saw his talents in action, I think he should have had his guitar with him though.

Since I wasn't invited to the cast party, I just cruised around the set for awhile

After the play, my host took me on a tour of the area, I got to see where Navy plays

Then I stopped at the Naval Academy

Finally, we went to the harbor to see the broken docks in need of repair.

I had a great time with my new host and had fun seeing my olde Master in usual form.  Thankfully, my host sent me back in first-class!!!  What a great trip to Maryland.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Trip to Mardi Gras

Upon my arrival to NOLA, I was greeted at the airport by my friend who came bearing gifts.

While I was visiting, my friend hosted a dinner party for me to meet several of her local friends.

Friday night we braved the frigid weather to attend a few Mardi Gras parades. The wine helped keep us warm and made the parades and fellow revelers even more enjoyable.

By the end of the night, I had made a few new friends and even found the baby in the King Cake at the party. I am holding the little guy here (he’s green), and I was told that I will now have lots of good luck.

Saturday turned into a gorgeous, sunny day to watch a few more parades, and I got to see several people dressed like me walking with one of the floats.

The photo is a little blurry, but that’s my friend’s fault - kind of like the same issue I had with my friends in Miami :(

I also learned that if you look hungry enough, people on the floats will even throw you food. Although, I was not brave enough to actually eat any of it like this super-size sandwich one of my new friends is holding for me.

Great Trip!  Now I am back and waiting for my next adventure.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

7 States

See how many states I have been to already

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Vacation in Hawai'i

I went to Hawai'i with my new friends and we had a great time, except Albert (in the green snuggy) who got food poisoning on the first day, so he had to stay in the luggage, which I guess is some sort of hospital. 

I went straight to the beach to try some body surfing.

Unfortunately, I gotted wiped out and was almost taken out to sea by the undertow.


The next day was fun, we hiked up Diamond Head volcano

and this is the view from the first deck

We went back to the hotel and almost got eaten by this evil Japanese monster but I escaped.

We ate lunch at a place called Jimmy's, it was on the same level as the pool where these whale-like creatures seemed to thrive and thrash about - fortunately, we don't have any pics of them.


 My friends took me shopping, they said I could have anything I wanted.  I found this gigantic guitar and I fell down with joy, tears in my eyes because that is the one nice thing I liked about my previous Master.  My old Master had a gigantic guitar and he would often play "Darling Je Vous Aime Beaucoup" and "Je I'aime a mourir" to me every night.  My new friends bought it for me but wouldn't play any cheesy French love songs :(


We then went to the North Shore, I was afraid of the undertow, so I built a sand castle and climbed to the top of the flag pole to get some sun.

Finally, I went to my first luau and had my very first Mai Tai, it was great, but I had to be carried home.

 Had a great trip!
