Friday, January 15, 2010

Long Lost Friends

I took a trip with a new buddy of mine to a remote castle retreat. I didn't know until I got there that I'd get to meet some of my long lost Lego cousins! We had a great time at the castle, even though we got invaded by an alien and his army (I didn't know they actually still made siege towers). Good thing we were in a castle, eh? We dispatched the invaders lickety-split and got back to the party. It was oh so nice to fire a blaster again! I brought back some photos, of course.

I went to a remote castle retreat recently.

I got to visit my long lost Lego cousins.

While at the castle, we were besieged by an alien invader and his army.

Defend the castle!

We vanquished the incoming horde!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Trip to Chicago

Hitting the Texas Highway heading north.

Through Oklahomo...

... Missouri...

... and finally into Illinois.

Bowling is way more difficult than it looks.

Looks like about 1.2 inches of snow.

This snowblower should do the job.

Who's better looking?

This sledding thing can be dangerous, good thing I have my helmet on.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Austin, TX - Aledo State Championship

Lego Man claims a good seat to watch the big game.

LegoMan tries to blend in with the Brenham fans on the other side. His true orange and black colors make him stand out.
