Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Trip to Mardi Gras

Upon my arrival to NOLA, I was greeted at the airport by my friend who came bearing gifts.

While I was visiting, my friend hosted a dinner party for me to meet several of her local friends.

Friday night we braved the frigid weather to attend a few Mardi Gras parades. The wine helped keep us warm and made the parades and fellow revelers even more enjoyable.

By the end of the night, I had made a few new friends and even found the baby in the King Cake at the party. I am holding the little guy here (he’s green), and I was told that I will now have lots of good luck.

Saturday turned into a gorgeous, sunny day to watch a few more parades, and I got to see several people dressed like me walking with one of the floats.

The photo is a little blurry, but that’s my friend’s fault - kind of like the same issue I had with my friends in Miami :(

I also learned that if you look hungry enough, people on the floats will even throw you food. Although, I was not brave enough to actually eat any of it like this super-size sandwich one of my new friends is holding for me.

Great Trip!  Now I am back and waiting for my next adventure.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

7 States

See how many states I have been to already

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Vacation in Hawai'i

I went to Hawai'i with my new friends and we had a great time, except Albert (in the green snuggy) who got food poisoning on the first day, so he had to stay in the luggage, which I guess is some sort of hospital. 

I went straight to the beach to try some body surfing.

Unfortunately, I gotted wiped out and was almost taken out to sea by the undertow.


The next day was fun, we hiked up Diamond Head volcano

and this is the view from the first deck

We went back to the hotel and almost got eaten by this evil Japanese monster but I escaped.

We ate lunch at a place called Jimmy's, it was on the same level as the pool where these whale-like creatures seemed to thrive and thrash about - fortunately, we don't have any pics of them.


 My friends took me shopping, they said I could have anything I wanted.  I found this gigantic guitar and I fell down with joy, tears in my eyes because that is the one nice thing I liked about my previous Master.  My old Master had a gigantic guitar and he would often play "Darling Je Vous Aime Beaucoup" and "Je I'aime a mourir" to me every night.  My new friends bought it for me but wouldn't play any cheesy French love songs :(


We then went to the North Shore, I was afraid of the undertow, so I built a sand castle and climbed to the top of the flag pole to get some sun.

Finally, I went to my first luau and had my very first Mai Tai, it was great, but I had to be carried home.

 Had a great trip!
